An exquisite shop in an enchanting town

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We were hot, sweaty, and a bit jagged, after having just arrived on the “jeep-boat-jeep”  from Monte Verde, Costa Rica. One of the first things we were told when we got to Essence Arenal Organic Farm and Hotel, was to go around the corner to La Gavilana art gallery and shop. Hotel concierge Vanessa, (the once ice skating girl from Chicago, now expat) said, “it’s owned by an American girl and it’s very nice.”

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More cool land art in Auckland

I can’t get enough of this stuff! I find land art so inspirational. I like how it changes the environment and my own sense of place and size.

Horizons by Neil Dawson

I just discovered Gibbs Farm in New Zealand, and came upon some gorgeous installations and sculpture.

Check it out:

New Mexican art violins

I appreciate how the flavor of a place comes through in the art made there. Many charities have used the idea of painting an instrument to raise money, but I doubt they had the Southwestern spirit of these violins done for the Santa Fe Symphony. Check out more art violins:

Interactive public art for kids

I’m always looking for innovative public art, especially the kind that is interactive. Just this week two caught my eye in my Facebook stream.


© Masaki Koizumi

Artist Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam created a crocheted gallery sized installation that kids couldn’t help but  interact with. Next thing you know, she and her husband Charles MacAdam established Interplay Design and Manufacturing in Nova Scotia, Canada, to develop the concept of play ‘sculptures’ on a commercial scale. Check out more here:

Then my friend, artist, and professor Wendy Maruyama shared work of her UC San Diego former students Lanie Gannon and Rob Oglivie. Here is a video of their wonderful interactive mechanical art installed at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville, TN.

Interestingly enough both installations are low tech and are great examples of ways that artists really catered to the spirit of children.

Making transformation happen on the coastside


41 coastside artists are busily making art right now about transformation. And all these pieces will be donated to raise money for Doctors Without Borders! Check out who they are and read more about the art auction that will be happening this Fall.